WATCHING the New Zealand PM over the last week – visiting the mosque, attending funerals, putting on a headscarf when talking to victims’ relatives, opening parliament with “peace be with you” and changing the gun laws – it struck me that in some parts of the world this behaviour would go relatively unnoticed – it’s how people expect their elected representatives to act.

I think I was impressed because I was subconsciously making comparisons with our own confederation of dunces that gather in Westminster; a selection of oafs, buffoons and comic singers, from Dickensian Mogg and bungling Bojo to Corbyn dreaming of his post-Trotskyite utopia.

A national disgrace, an international embarrassment.

If voters really do get the politicians they deserve, perhaps Mr Gove will take a look around him before he once again announces that we’re living in the greatest country on earth.

Marc A Head
Whiting Bay, Isle of Arran