Paul Trainer

Best of Scotland magazine

Latest articles from Paul Trainer

best of scotland 7 romantic places to visit in Scotland

Scotland has more than its fair share of breathtakingly romantic locations. This Valentine’s Day, why not ditch dinner and flowers and go in search of a wild, dramatic place, private hideaway or site with a story? Tread in the footsteps of past lovers and allow history to stir new passions.

Best of Scotland Duncan and Judy Murray are game for a laugh

Judy Murray is calling from Melbourne, where son Andy is competing in the Australian Open. Outside of family commitments, she says the last ten years have been about “doing things that are fun, stepping into other people's world and getting away from tennis for a bit.”

Best of Scotland Duncan and Judy Murray are game for a laugh

Judy Murray is calling from Melbourne, where son Andy is competing in the Australian Open. Outside of family commitments, she says the last ten years have been about “doing things that are fun, stepping into other people's world and getting away from tennis for a bit.”

Best of Scotland Scottish family glass business takes the angels' share

It all started with The Angels’ Share, Ken Loach’s film named for the phrase that describes the small percentage of whisky that evaporates from a cask over the course of the maturation process. This concept sparked a conversation between Tom Young and his daughter Karen Somerville that ultimately led them to design the Whisky Angel, a small glass figure that holds a dram within it.