IT is arguably the most important textual document in Scottish history, but not even its staunchest defenders could claim that the all-Latin 1320 Declaration of Arbroath is up to date.

A group of Yes campaigners, while recognising its importance, have come up with a renewed Declaration of Arbroath and it is already attracting approval within the Yes DIY movement. It was published and first signed on April 8 at Arbroath Abbey.

The new declaration reads: “With my signature on this document I herewith claim my sovereign right as a native of the nation of Scotland.

“This sovereignty is mine by birth as claimed for the first time in the universally accepted Declaration of Arbroath dated April 6 1320.

“No person or institution can relieve this from my person because though it can be lent it can never be ceded. I recognise no parliament other than the people’s parliament at Holyrood in the city of Edinburgh and then only as the executive of my sovereignty and not as the subordinate to any other parliament, government nor institution.

“Attempts have been made to usurp my birthright by subterfuge, deceit and legal trickery without consideration that these hold no power equal to that which I as a sovereign Scot do hold.

“I hereby claim my right under the Declaration of Arbroath 1320 to overthrow the tyranny of the false rule of Westminster and to allow the sovereign will of the Scottish people to be tested without hindrance by way of a people’s plebiscite.

“This plebiscite should be on whether to dissolve the Treaties and Acts of Union with England who have acted not as partners in a joint venture but as a colonial power who have attempted by surreptitious means to deny our birthright by claiming it for their parliament.”

The declaration has been signed so far by more than 100 people with more adding their signatures each day. The intention is to send the declaration to the United Nations.

Originator Dave Llewellyn said: “I am being inundated by requests from people to be able to sign who could not get to Arbroath.

“Each declaration is on a single page which will be bound into a book preceded by an original Latin copy and translation of the 1320 declaration to which the new pages with the signatures will be attached.”

An addendum to the book will come in the form of the United Nations Convention 1514 (XV), which was passed by the General Assembly in December 1960 despite nine abstentions, including those from the UK, Spain and the USA. The convention allows for the de-colonisation and independence of peoples and re-affirmed the right to self-determination.

Llewellyn added: “The book will be sent to the secretary general of the UN asking them to recognise our sovereignty as a people.”