HUNDREDS of thousands of food parcels have been distributed in Scotland in the last year, according to the latest figures.

Analysis from the Trussel Trust found that between April 1, 2023 and March 31, 262,400 emergency food parcels were distributed in Scotland.

Of those, 156,262 (60%) were for families with children – highlighting a 21% increase compared to five years ago.

The research also showed that over 101,900 people in Scotland were forced to turn to a charity for essentials such as food, and that the number of people going without essentials had risen by 4% compared to last year.

The latest figures have been slammed by the SNP, which said “Westminster is failing the people of Scotland”.

Commenting, the SNP's social justice spokesperson, David Linden (below) said: "It is clear that Westminster is failing the people of Scotland. "The Westminster-made cost of living crisis, coupled with the UK government's austerity agenda and cruel benefit sanctions, have left Scotland's most vulnerable seeking food parcels from charities and food banks. This is simply unforgivable.”

Looking ahead to the incoming General Election, Linden said Labour leader Keir Starmer “does not offer the change Scotland needs”.

"This is the legacy of 14 years of consecutive Conservative rule - something the people of Scotland did not vote for,” Linden added.

"However, with the Labour Party committed to the same fiscal spending as the Tories, and in favour of policies such as the two-child cap and rape clause, it's clear that Sir Keir Starmer does not offer the change Scotland needs. "The SNP Scottish Government is doing all it can with the limited powers available to them, however we could do so much more with the full fiscal powers of independence.

"At the next election, it is only the SNP who will stand up for Scotland's values, tackle child poverty at every opportunity, and advance Scotland's journey to independence."